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Anthony Morrison: 3 Ways To Protect Yourself Against Scam

Anthony Morrison: 3 important things you can do to avoid scam.  Anthony Morrison wants to remind you there are ways to prevent scams.  Anthony Morrison has posted this list of 3 things to do to avoid scam online:

          Avoid Scam Tip 1: Don’t believe every offer or e-mail that you get. Scammers are counting many times on people’s ingenuity or a possibility to find an easy way to make money. Again try to just be skeptical.

          Avoid Scam Tip 2: Do not send out e-mails that ask you to “send to everyone”. These types of emails are most of the time scams. Also scam artists ask you to input personal information that later on they can use to scam you.

          Avoid Scam Tip 3: Always check seller’s ratings and references when buying from an online auction site. If the seller does not have a good rating or any good comments, then it is possible that it is a scam.

Posted in Anthony Morrison Information.

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